I don't have time for a real post, but maybe I can post some pictures from the last week or so to update you on what we've been up to!
Dino Hats we made at toddler time at the library this week! |
Speaking of Toddler Time, we went to a different library this week and boy was it a different experience! They had a power point presentation, read three books, sang songs, and did a craft. There were also rules about staying in certain areas of the room and sitting still and not making too much noise during reading time. Nerve wracking for a mother with TWO littles to try and wrangle! The picture below is of maybe about 1/3 of the crowd. Quite a few people clear out and do not stay for craft time, but this was the first chance I had to snap a picture of the room. When it was full, there were at least 150 people there. |
This was at the much smaller library where we have our regular story/toddler time. We made it to 2 story times this week! Awesome! |
We also took a fun walk around the neighborhood. |
We enjoyed playing on our very own NEW swing set in the backyard! |
Last Saturday I went to the local Mom of Multiples yard sale and snagged all of these cool toys for under $60! I was psyched! |
We have been attempting to let the kids use plates, bowls, and utensils. But they are still not sure if the plates are for eating, or if they make better hats. |
I had to take poor Brady to the doctor on Saturday morning. He got a bug bite on his face on Friday during our walk and it caused his right eye to get red and swell completely shut! He is much better now and we are so glad! We went to a different doctor's office and they had this cool magnetic wall! |
Sorry this photo is a little blurry, but I couldn't help including it. Her shirt says: "100% Angel---when I'm sleeping." So TRUE! :-) |
Well, I would say these pictures pretty well sum up the last week or so for our family--- a lot of story time, a lot of playing inside and outside, plus one relatively non eventful trip to the doctor's office. Hope you all have had a good weekend and are getting ready for another fun week ahead!